IAQ System

Indoor Air Quality Management

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a term referring to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.

The world focus has shifted from the environment to ‘Invironment’. This is a new terminology, being used increasingly to focus on the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and its effect on human health. While the outdoor environment continues to be of concern, the indoor environment is receiving increased attention as more information has become available on the presence and effect of indoor contaminants.

Indoor air pollutants are increasingly being associated with respiratory illness in humans. Concerus about potential public health problems due to indoor air pollutants are based on evidence that urban residents typically speed more than 90 percent of their time indoors, concentrations of some contaminants are higher indoors that outdoors, and for some pollutants personal exposures are not characterized adequately by outdoor measurements.

Indirect Direct Evaporative Cooling Systems

Direct Evaporative Cooling

With direct evaporative cooling, outside air is blown through a water-saturated medium (usually cellulose) and cooled by evaporation. The cooled air is circulated by a blower.

Direct evaporative cooling adds moisture to the air stream until the air stream is close to saturation. The dry bulb temperature* is reduced, while the wet bulb temperature** stays the same.